Visit "Where can I get vaccinated" or call 1-877-COVAXCO (1-877-268-2926) for vaccine information.



The Building Inspector is responsible for building permit review and inspections. The Town of Akron has adopted the 2018 International Codes as amended. 

Please call Town Hall at (970) 345-2624 to confirm permit requirements before starting any work. All plumbing and electrical permits are handled by the State of Colorado. A Certificate of Occupancy (CO) must be obtained before any building can be occupied.

Akron Building Permit Application Form

Building Permit Application Form may be submitted in person, email, or mail:

  • Mailing AddressTown of Akron, 250 Main Ave, Akron, CO 80720
  • Physical Address: 250 Main Avenue, Akron, CO 80720



Building Permit

  • Any structure built, placed, or added on to within town limits, i.e. buildings, carports, fences, and etc. will first require completion of a building permit. This also applies to replacing fences and sidewalks.
  • All building permits require a plot plan.
  • Please submit a completed application to Town Hall prior to building. 
  • Building fees and use taxes are calculated based on construction cost and due at the same time of submission of application.
  • Applicants will be notified once their permit is reviewed and approved.
  • If any questions please contact Town Hall at (970) 345-2624.

Solar Installation Permit Requirements


Manufactured Homes

  • The placement or modification of any mobile home is only allowed in specific locations within Akron.
  • A building permit must be attained prior to any placement or modification.
  • Fill out a building permit for the Town of Akron and pay the base pay of $24.60.
    Google Map the satellite property map and draw in the location to be submitted with the building permit.
  • For State of Colorado Installation Permit: Call George Good out of Sterling, Colorado at 970-520-2679.
    Please provide installation permit # to Town of Akron once permit is acquired.
  • For State of Colorado Plumbing Permit, follow State of Colorado Guidelines.
    Please provide plumbing permit # to Town of Akron once permit is acquired.
  • For State of Colorado Electrical Permit, follow State of Colorado Guidelines.
    Please provide electrical permit # to Town of Akron once permit is acquired.


  • Permit required.
  • Roofers can add 1 layer of regular shingles or heritage shingles over a regular 3-tab shingled roof, but NOT over a heritage shingled roof.
  • Roof loading allowed.
  • Ground Snow: 20
  • Roof Snow: 30
  • Minimal shingle requirement must withstand 110 mph wind.
  • Ice and water guard: NOT required by the Town of Akron, please check with your insurance company as this may be a requirement.
  • A drip edge on residential roofs is not required by the Town of Akron but residents should check with their insurance company as their opinion may differ.

Water & Sewer Tap