Welcome to Akron Fishing Pond
- Pond Rules
- Open daily from 5 AM to 11 PM.
- No swimming or wading.
- No gas-powered boat engines.
- No unattended fires. Fires allowed only in designated fireplaces or grills.
- Pets must be under control of owner & not disruptive to visitors.
* Owners MUST clean up pet excrement. - All State of Colorado fishing laws apply.
- No fishing with minnows.
- Life vests required if on water – NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY.
- Keep motorized vehicles on maintained roads or designated parking areas.
- U.A.V. operators must be licensed and in accordance with
- FAA regulations.
You must have a permit issued by the Town of Akron to do any of the following in or on park premises:
• Overnight camping
• Using amplified sound system
• Selling any goods or servicesThe following are PROHIBITED:
- Fireworks
- Glass Containers
- Hunting or recreational shooting
- Moving fish from one body of water to another! Anyone caught moving fish illegally may be fined $5,000, held responsible for costs of eradication or removal, & could lose hunting or fishing privileges.
- Misuse or destruction of any park property
Washington County Sheriff: 911 or (970) 345-2244
Town of Akron: (970) 345-2624OCTOBER 2020
- Pond Updates
- 48 redear sunfish and 7 turtles were collected by Colorado Parks & Wildlife from a different body of water and released.
MAY 19, 2021- 6,000 – 8,000 1.5” redear sunfish were stocked by the hatchery to establish a prey base. Redear sunfish will mature in 3-4 years.
JUNE 18, 2021- Colorado Parks & Wildlife collected over 100 mature smallmouth bass & channel catfish and released them into the Akron Pond. See Colorado Parks & Wildlife 2021 Fishing Regulation Brochure for all State and Akron Pond Regulations. State licensing is required, daily limits do apply, and the minimum size for largemouth and smallmouth bass is 15 inches.
End July 2021 or before- Hatchery will stock 8” channel catfish, numbers unknown.
End August 2021 or before- Hatchery will stock 3” largemouth bass, numbers unknown.
Fish to be stocked:
- largemouth bass
- smallmouth bass
- channel catfish
- redear sunfish

Updated by Town of Akron | 05/11/2021 | Entries Due by May 26 at 5 PM
Akron Pond Beautification Project. The Town of Akron has three trash containers at the Akron pond surrounded by concrete barriers. The Town would like local artists to submit mural design examples. Submissions may be hand-delivered or emailed to admin@townofakron.com
For more details: Akron Pond Beautification Flyer
Updated by UTA | 01/11/2021
The Town of Akron has partnered with the University Technical Assistance(UTA) Program at Colorado Center for Community Development (CCCD) at CU Denver to provide planning & design services to the Town of Akron, for the Akron Pond Revitalization Project. | Akron Pond Revitalization Survey.
Updated by CPW | 01/11/2021
Colorado Parks and Wildlife's (CPW) Wray, Pueblo, and Las Animas Hatcheries will stock fish in Akron Pond between May and August 2021, as fish become available. CPW's warm-water hatcheries do not have the rearing space to raise catchable-sized warm water fish. Redear Sunfish and Largemouth Bass one to three inches in length, and Channel Catfish three to eight inches in length will be stocked. Therefore, anglers should not expect to catch these fish right away. It will take the hatchery stocked fish a few years to grow to catchable sizes. Unfortunately, that is just part of the process when a new pond is built. That said, CPW plans to salvage Redear Sunfish and Smallmouth Bass from other waters and stock those in Akron Pond beginning in May 2021 to provide angling opportunities in the interim. Some of these fish will be large enough to catch, and some Smallmouth Bass may even meet the minimum size limit of 15 inches. The public is welcome to fish the pond anytime, but keep in mind that it takes time to build a quality fishery, so catch rates may be low for some time until the stocked fish have a chance to grow. If we use the right stocking strategy, and give the fish time to grow, fishing should be great for years to come.
CPW stocked 48 redear sunfish & 7 turtles on October 9, 2020.