24784 County Road 41, Akron, CO 80720 | (970) 345-2624
The Akron Cemetery is located north of Highway 34 on County Road BB. The Akron Cemetery was established in 1887 and is the naturally beautiful resting place for many generations. For questions or concerns about the cemetery please call Town Hall.
Rules at the Akron Cemetery:
1. No planting flowers, bushes, or trees
2. No curb, rock, or borders
3. Clean up after your animals!
4. Be respectful to graves, stones, and area
5. No unauthorized vehicles off the roadway
6. No glass containers
7. Memorial Day flowers will be removed 2 weeks after Memorial Day
8. Dead or wilted plants may be removed for Maintenance
Resources to find a grave in the Akron Cemetery:
1. Cemetery Burial List - ALPHABETICAL Updated May 22, 2024
2. Cemetery Burial List - BY SPACE Updated May 22, 2024
3. Cemetery Map: Excel format
4. How to read: Cemetery map
5. Find A Grave Independent Website