Below are the boards & commissions that assist in the administration of different components for the Town of Akron. If you are interested in volunteering for any boards please contact Town Hall for details.
- Board of Adjustments:
- Daryl Bowin | Chairman
- Joan Drullinger
- John Glosson
- Lexin Brent
- John Horn
In general, the board of adjustment is the body established to: hear appeals of decisions rendered by zoning administrators, interpret unclear provisions in the zoning ordinance, decide on applications by landowners to permit buildings or land uses which vary from the zoning regulations./government/other-boards-committees
- Firemen's Pension Board:
- Tony Claflin | Fire Chief
- Brandon Hill | Mayor
- Jim Pieper | Rural Fire Board President
- Melanie Krening | RFB Financial Director
- Citizen Representative
- Dencia Raish | Town Clerk
The firemen's pension fund shall be managed, administered, used and disbursed under the direction of a board of trustees of the firemen's pension fund.
- Akron Library Board:
- Jim Thompson | Chairman
- Bridget Glosson | Vice Chair
- Holly Peterson | Secretary
- Jo Peterson | Recording Secretary
- Donna Fritzler | Correspondence Secretary
- Joe Benjamin | Treasurer
- Julie Slusser
The Akron Public Library Board is a governing board of 5-7 trustees. The management and control of the Akron Public Library, its holdings and assets, is vested by law in the Akron Public Library Board of Trustees. Heidi Hobson serves as Library Director and librarian.
- Akron Sr. & Community Center:
- Mona McMillan | Chairperson
- Gail English | Treasurer
- Kateri Reeves
- Sue Richards
Joyce Kessinger | Serves as Custodian
- Airport Development Committee:
- Randy Hayes | FBO Operator
- Dencia Raish | Town Clerk/Administrator
- Tony Wells | County Commissioner, District 1
- Brandon Hill | Mayor
- Jared Jefferson | Trustee/Mayor Pro Tem
- Braden Brent | Trustee
- John Horn | Citizen
- John Wright | Citizen
- Derek Glosson | Citizen
- Planning & Zoning Commission:
- Trustee Assigned | Trustee
- Trustee Assigned | Trustee